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We believe that helping people build lasting clarity and a lifetime of growth in their walk with God requires a true, holistic approach and commitment that begins with a person's decision to follow Christ, and follows through with a life-long process of building upon that amazing decision. 

To help achieve this, Twenty20 Faith has established four overall programs representing the scope of our ministry today and into the future:  


Help those contemplating the Christian faith to make a confident and informed decision to receive Christ.

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Help people develop leadership foundations and skills to realize their full purpose in life and ministry.

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Sharing our faith with those contemplating a relationship with Christ is at the heart of our mission and ministry.  No decision in life is bigger than this.

Today, Twenty20 Faith's evangelism outreaches extend world-wide in 55 languages, with approximately 7,000 people having indicated to us they've given their life to Christ as a result of this outreach.  God is good!

Through our partnership with YouVersion, these evangelism initiatives extend to parts of the world more difficult to reach, and we so humbled and grateful to have this small part in God's plan of restoration for mankind.

LEARN MORE about sponsoring a Language.


Through foundation-building devotionals, help people grow in faith over their lifetime.


Help those contemplating the Christian faith to make a confident and informed decision to receive Christ.

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Help people connect with other Christians at local churches, fellowships and ministries in their area.

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Help people develop leadership foundations and skills to realize their full purpose in life and ministry.

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A decision to follow Christ is an event that marks the beginning of an extraordinary life-long journey - growing in faith and living out our Christian life with purpose and fulfillment.

Twenty20 Faith's discipleship program is a set of foundation-building devotionals designed to nurture this growth by focusing on the most important aspects of our Christian faith.  Our devotionals are deployed on the YouVersion Bible App in more than 35 languages world-wide.

Total readership of our devotionals currently approximates 2 million globally.

LEARN MORE about sponsoring a Language.


Help people connect with other Christians at local churches, fellowships and ministries in their area.


Help those contemplating the Christian faith to make a confident and informed decision to receive Christ.

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Through foundation-building devotionals, help people grow in faith over their lifetime.


Help people develop leadership foundations and skills to realize their full purpose in life and ministry.

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Mentoring & Fellowship


Twenty20 Faith is currently laying the groundwork for expanding our technology and global ministry capabilities to include:

1.  Multi-lingual ministry teams for 1x1 and small group ministry.

2.  Building a referral network of trusted ministries and churches globally.

3.  Geo-targeted, pro-active outreaches to people groups world-wide.

We are excited about the prospects of these endeavors as we prayerfully consider what God has placed in our hearts. 


Help people develop leadership foundations and skills to realize their full purpose in life and ministry.


Help people connect with other Christians at local churches, fellowships and ministries in their area.

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Help those contemplating the Christian faith to make a confident and informed decision to receive Christ.


Through foundation-building devotionals, help people grow in faith over their lifetime.

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Realizing full purpose and potential requires so many dimensions of life to come together - under God's orchestration - and one of those critical aspects common to nearly everyone is being prepared and equipped with the right knowledge and education.

As we look toward our longer term ministry future, we believe God is unfolding a part for Twenty20 Faith to play in equipping others with high quality education and training.  We intend to begin planning in the near future.

Image by Vladislav Klapin

Sponsor a Language:


Through our partnership with YouVersion's The Bible App, our goal is to translate the entire Evangelism and Discipleship programs into 100 languages, and deploy globally in digital format on the YouVersion platform at absolutely no cost to our readers.   

Each sponsorship is $2,500 per language, and pays for the costs to make our Evangelism and Discipleship program available in that language, including professional translation services, infrastructure setup, deployment and transitional engagement with constituents.  Current opportunities listed HERE.

If you've already confirmed language availability, you can submit your sponsorship donation of $2,500 by going to our DONATE PAGE.


Contact US

Twenty20 Faith, Inc.

P.O. Box 2437

Cedar Park, TX 78630​​

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Twenty20 Faith, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) Non-profit Corporation.

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