By: David J. Swandt, Founder and President - Twenty20 Faith
As we approach this Christmas season, we take time not only to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, but also equally celebrate and honor the very purpose for which God sent Him into our world.
The birth of Christ, and the introduction of God's full purpose personified in Him, are truly inseparable. Driven entirely by God's love, Christ was sent into the world on that very first Christmas to become our one true Redeemer. And that redemptive work continues through today and for all time forward.
"But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law . . . to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children."
"Now you are no longer a slave but God's own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir."
Galatians 4:4-5,7
By His redeeming power, we who were once enslaved to sin and its penalties are no longer captives, rather through Christ our freedom has been fully and permanently procured.
And we are not only freed from our past, but we are also adopted into God's family as His very own children through Christ.
As God's children, we are made heirs to His endless abundance.
So as a result of God's extraordinary love and grace introduced into our world 2,000 years ago on that very first Christmas:
we are FREE,
we are FAMILY, and
we are HEIRS.
We wish endless joy and blessings to you and your family this Christmas season, and may God shine His goodness and love upon you in new and wonderful ways forever forward.
From all of us at Twenty20 Faith, we wish you and yours a very . . .
We would be so very grateful for your consideration of Twenty20 Faith for your end of year giving. Your tax-deductible gift of any size will go toward supporting the missions outreaches of Twenty20 Faith around the world in more than 75 languages.
Additionally, we will continue offering the following discounted language sponsorships for 9 remaining languages to help fully fund our AFRICA 2024 Outreach campaign through December 31, 2024:
1 Language Sponsorship: $1,500 (normally $2.5K)
2 Language Sponsorships: $2,500 (normally $5K)
To see the full set of language sponsorship opportunities for the Africa 2024 Outreach program, please visit: AFRICA 2024: Languages
We are tremendously honored and grateful for your prayerful consideration. May God pour His abundant favor and blessing into your lives.
we're grateful for your generosity!
GIVE A ONE TIME or MONTHLY GIFT of $25, $50, $100, $200 or another amount God may place upon your heart. You can do so by Debit or Credit Card by selecting:
VENMO Your Donation: @twenty20faith
OR, make checks payable and mail directly to:
Twenty20 Faith, Inc.
P.O. Box 2437
Cedar Park, TX 78630
TO SPONSOR A LANGUAGE translation for $2,500, please visit our Language Sponsorship Opportunities page, or Contact Us to confirm a list of opportunities.
FOR IN-KIND DONATIONS of Stocks & Bonds, or to donate an un-used Vehicle, visit our More Ways to Give page for instructions.
THANK YOU for your prayerful and generous consideration. Our prayer is that God will pour out His blessings and favor into all areas of your life!
If you have any questions or comments, send email directly to:
Twenty20 Faith, Inc. is a 501c3 Tax Exempt Organization and is recognized by GuideStar as a Platinum Level Charity - their highest rating.
Donations made to Twenty20 Faith, Inc. are tax deductible within the limits of the IRS Code.