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Mission Possible!

By: David J. Swandt, Founder and President - Twenty20 Faith


To those who may not know the power, love and grace of the Almighty, the following question may seem illogical; "When does something that's impossible become possible?"

But to those of us who know the greatness of our God through Christ, the answer to that question is straight-forward; "When God gets involved!"


"Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26


Life may seem filled with "impossible" challenges - especially during this season. And seemingly endless, insurmountable barriers can stand in the way of hopes and dreams of a better future and favor-filled living. But Jesus' words from long ago stand just as true today regardless of age, race, status or background - no barrier or challenge can stop the great and wonderful things God wants to accomplish in you and through you.

Our prayer is that you'll embrace this truth for 2022 and beyond like never before as you seek Him and pursue His purpose and plan for your life.

As a ministry, we are embracing this same truth, and are believing that the future impacts God will author through Twenty20 Faith will go further than we ever imagined. We invite your prayers as we look to launch new and expanded missions initiatives in 2022.

THANK YOU for your partnership!




Each year, we publish an End of Year Impact Dashboard showing the impact your investments into God's kingdom are having around the world through Twenty20 Faith.

Through the end of 2021, 6,093 people have given their life to Christ as a result of God working through the ministry of Twenty20 Faith. Additionally, our full discipleship program achieved a readership of 2.02 Million in 40 languages worldwide. God is doing an amazing work!

THANK YOU to all of our donors and partners for making this possible!




As Twenty20 Faith - through God's power, grace and love - continues to extend its missions impact around the world, we are excited to announce our first Annual Dinner Banquet - coming in 2022 - in the greater Austin area.

Please be on the lookout in the coming weeks for more information in email and on social media.

We would be honored by your prayerful consideration to join us.



we're grateful for your generosity!


GIVE A ONE TIME or MONTHLY GIFT of $25, $50, $100, $200 or another amount God may place upon your heart. You can do so by Debit or Credit Card by selecting:


OR, make checks payable and mail directly to:

Twenty20 Faith, Inc.

P.O. Box 2437

Cedar Park, TX 78630



TO SPONSOR A LANGUAGE translation for $2,500, please visit our Programs page, or Contact Us to confirm a list of opportunities.

FOR IN-KIND DONATIONS of Stocks & Bonds, or to donate an un-used Vehicle, visit our More Ways to Give page for instructions.

THANK YOU for your prayerful and generous consideration. Our prayer is that God will pour out His blessings and favor into all areas of your life!

If you have any questions or comments, send email directly to:


Twenty20 Faith, Inc. is a 501c3 Tax Exempt Organization, and is recognized by GuideStar as a Platinum Level Charity - their highest rating.

Donations made to Twenty20 Faith, Inc. are tax deductible within the limits of the IRS Code.


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