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Celebrating Our 75th Language!


By: David J. Swandt, Founder and President - Twenty20 Faith

Last week, Twenty20 Faith launched its 75th language. We are humbled, honored and grateful beyond words for how far God has taken a small classroom study at a local church in Austin, TX to reach peoples and cultures all around the world. To God be all the glory.

And we are equally thankful and blessed that so many have partnered with us over the years with your prayers, volunteering and financial support. Without you, this impact upon peoples' lives would simply not be realized.


2,000 years ago, as countless people from dozens of nations gathered for the Jewish celebration of Pentecost, God sent forth the Holy Spirit to empower Jesus' followers to speak God's message of love and salvation boldly in the native languages of those visiting from other countries.


"All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them."


Upon hearing this, the visitors said,

". . . we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own languages."


Acts 2:4,11


Today, the need to bring God's message of love and salvation through Christ in the many languages of the world is just as prominent as it was 2,000 years ago. And the message that touched so many back then is the very same one that God is using today.


 Our mission is to reach the lost and help them to make an informed decision for Christ. Then having done so, we help them build lasting clarity and a lifetime of growth in their walk with God in as many languages as God enables.


Today, we celebrate the 75 languages God has given and so many of you have generously invested in to bring to fruition - THANK YOU! Please join us celebrating the impact this represents in so many lives worldwide and believe with us that God will use these 75 languages and many more to impact countless thousands around the world as we look to the future.


If you need to reach out with any questions, please reply to this email or send directly to:





Over the past several months, we have been diligently working to deploy all 13 languages comprising our AFRICA 2024 Program, in partnership with YouVersion. Last week, we launched the 13th language of the program.


We would like to express our deepest appreciation and thanks to our partners at YouVersion, for including Twenty20 Faith in their global ministry initiative, and for providing partial funding toward these 13 language sponsorships. We would also like to say THANK YOU to our donors who have stepped in to augment the remaining sponsorship amounts for 4 of the 13 languages.


We continue offering the following discounted sponsorships for the 9 remaining languages to fully fund the AFRICA 2024 Outreach:


1 Language Sponsorship: $1,500 (normally $2.5K)

2 Language Sponsorships: $2,500 (normally $5K)


To see the full set of languages for the outreach program, and those still needing sponsorship to fully fund, visit: AFRICA 2024: Languages 


We are tremendously honored and grateful for your prayerful consideration. May God pour His abundant favor and blessing into your lives.  





We are excited to announce the establishment of our Engage Pillar Planning Committee to begin in earnest the journey we believe God has set before us to help brand-new Christians get connected with a trusted mentor and fellowship. The 20 members of this team are chartered to set forth an operational plan and pilot program to begin taking critical steps forward.


The first phase of this endeavor - establishing a plan of action forward, and framework for a pilot program - will conclude in January, 2025.


We ask that you would be in prayer for the work of this committee, and that our wonderful loving God will be at the very center of all planning and activities. Thank you.


We are so very grateful to our generous donors and sponsors for making this possible. THANK YOU for all you do!


we're grateful for your generosity!


GIVE A ONE TIME or MONTHLY GIFT of $25, $50, $100, $200 or another amount God may place upon your heart. You can do so by Debit or Credit Card by selecting:


VENMO Your Donation: @twenty20faith

OR, make checks payable and mail directly to:

Twenty20 Faith, Inc.

P.O. Box 2437

Cedar Park, TX 78630



TO SPONSOR A LANGUAGE translation for $2,500, please visit our Language Sponsorship Opportunities page, or Contact Us to confirm a list of opportunities.

FOR IN-KIND DONATIONS of Stocks & Bonds, or to donate an un-used Vehicle, visit our More Ways to Give page for instructions.

THANK YOU for your prayerful and generous consideration. Our prayer is that God will pour out His blessings and favor into all areas of your life!

If you have any questions or comments, send email directly to:


Twenty20 Faith, Inc. is a 501c3 Tax Exempt Organization, and is recognized by GuideStar as a Platinum Level Charity - their highest rating.

Donations made to Twenty20 Faith, Inc. are tax deductible within the limits of the IRS Code.


Contact US

Twenty20 Faith, Inc.

P.O. Box 2437

Cedar Park, TX 78630​​

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Twenty20 Faith, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) Non-profit Corporation.

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